Monday, September 30, 2019

Puritans, Max Weber Essay

1.Explain: Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England. Puritans were people who wanted to get rid of things that were not stated by Jesus Christ or by the Bible. They rejected decisions and traditions established by the Church (i.e. people). Examples: paintings of God and Jesus, rich ornaments and dà ©cor, hierarchy in Church, selling pardons. They also thought that the temples should be smaller and not so monumental. Puritans’ beliefs were a threat to the hierarchy and wealth of the English Church, so they were persecuted and unwelcome in there. They had to look for a place they could live the way they wanted. 2.Describe the Puritans who set sail to America in 1620. Majority of Puritans who set sail to America on Mayflower in 1620 was well-educated and belonged to upper middle class (they were rather rich). Those people couldn’t worship God according to their beliefs because their religion was a threat to the Church of England. Puritans were constantly persecuted and they left to Netherlands, and then to Virginia in Noth America. Their trip resembled Exodus to the promised land. Puritans called themselves Pilgrims, because it was a pilgrimage to the new world where they hoped to be free and to establish the Church there. 3.The literary genres Puritans practiced and did not practice. 4.Explain the notion of predestination and how Puritans shaped they lives according to it. Puritans believed that they don’t have any influence on whether they will go to heaven or to hell. They believe that God knows it before they are born and they can do nothing about it. (There is a paradox of free-will -> although one may be a good person, he/she can still go to hell.) God may change his mind, but people cannot do anything. For Puritans, the fact that someone is rich and successful means that this person may be predestined, so they work even harder and look for success, hoping that maybe this would be a sign of their predestination. 5.What biblical events did the first Puritans in America draw parallels to? Puritans considered themselves to be like pilgrims to the Promised Land, like Jews running from Egypt to Israel. As they wanted to establish a Church they considered it to be a mission. 6.How did Max Weber compare Protestants and Catholics in terms of the notions of hard work and calling? According to Max Weber, Catholics believe that the hard work is their way to salvation. People have to work hard to be good people. Protestants, on the other hand, believe that they should work hard because it is their duty, as this is God’s will and it is useful for the whole country and society. For them it a kind of vocation. Every Protestant feels the vocation to work and to worship God (Everyone has his own mission in life – there have to be poor farmers and rich lawyers – this is God’s will and it is completely normal.) In case of Catholicism, only priests feel the vocation to serve God. 7.Explain how Max Weber analyzed in his discussion of Protestant ethics the notions of work, investment, charity, waste. Work– every Puritan has a vocation to work. It is a duty and God’s will. Work is useful for the whole society; thanks to work we make our community better. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will† Investment  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ If someone has money and is successful in business, it means that he is in God’s favor. Money should be multiplied not wasted and spent on unimportant things as luxuries and amusement. Charity– if someone needs charity it means that he is a beggar. If someone doesn’t work – he sins and offends God, as it is a duty to work. Supporting charity means supporting offending God. WASTE – waste of time is the worst and the deadliest sin. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will† – only hard work praises God an d any other activity is a waste. 8.What did a Puritan sermon look like (use in particular Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God). In the 18th and 19th centuries during the Great Awakening, major sermons were made at revivals, which were especially popular in the United States. These sermons were noted for their â€Å"fire-and-brimstone† message, typified by Jonathan Edwards’s famous â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† speech. In these sermons the wrath of God was clearly one to be afraid of, although fear was not the message Edwards was trying to convey in his sermons, he was simply trying to tell the people that they could be forgiven for their sins. It combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of scripture.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Your Role in a Small Team

* * Your Role in a Past Small Team and Group Paper * * â€Å"Whether you are one of those people who likes group work or one who finds it frustrating and a waste of time, evidence suggests that groups are here to stay. Human beings collaborate. We are raised in groups, educated in groups, and entertained in groups; we worship in groups and work in groups. † (Beebe, Beebe & Ivy, 2013) A team is any group of people organized to work together interdependently and cooperatively to accomplish a common purpose or a goal. Everyone will come into a situation in life where they are obligated to work in a team or group setting.The team that I am going to reference is one that I am apart of daily. As a manager at my current job I am apart of a team of higher management. There are currently four members of our management team; our store manager, and three assistant managers. As management, are duties are to ensure that everything runs smoothly and associates complete tasks. In addition, i t is our responsibility to set a good example to our team of associates so that we can lead by example. Us as a management team have different qualities then let’s say a team for school or a sport would be.All of us started at different times and at different positions. Because we all come from different backgrounds and experiences we all look at our job a little differently but we still have one goal in common. In the beginning stages of our career we were eager to learn and take on task that we had never come in contact with before. Everything was a new experience and each day was a new lesson. Now as we have progressed in our position and the basic are down some of us have lost interest in our position and feel the need for advancement.Recently, as a team we can’t seem to work together and agree on a common goal for the business. As I mentioned, we are all in different stages of our career so some of us seem to posses more ambition and passion then others. Seeing th e frustration mount, I suggested that we hold a store meeting to address any issues and express our feelings to one another. After our meeting I feel like a lot of animosity and stress towards each other and our job were greatly reduced. We were able to talk about our strengths and weaknesses individually and as a team. My store manager and myself have been with the company the longest so we are usually the ones to take on the leadership role. By us being the leaders of our team we saw that there was an issue and we knew we needed to resolve it. By us taking the lead and organizing a meeting we were able to resolve the issues. Unfortunately, the other two managers lack leadership, which does affect the team as a whole. Our team was not effective, but now it is. We did not all have a common goal among us and roles were not taken seriously.Now we are a team that works together and learned to compromise with one another. Everyone in our team is a understanding and loyal member so that made it easier to build and grown as a team. Communication is such a huge factor in a successful team. Without communication a team will fail and cannot advance. Thanks to our teams constant communication we were able to resolve our negatives and build our strengths. Since we are all different and diverse we had a lot of different opinions among us but that was a good thing.Instead of always thinking â€Å"My opinion is right and everyone else is wrong† we were able to hear each others argument and see everyone’s point of view more clearly. Without a goal a team has no purpose. When a team or a group has a goal in common it gives them motivation and drive to work together and get what needs to be done, done. Everyone in a team should have a role. Weather it’s a leader of the team or just a member every aspect is imperative to a successful team. It’s good to assign one team member as a leader so there is someone to provide structure and make sure assignmen ts or projects are done on time and correctly.According to Beebe, Beebe & Ivy, 2013 â€Å"The role of leader, a person who influences others in the group, is a special kind of role, and more than one person can assume it. † Ground rules should be put in place to ensure everyone is on the same page. Groups and teams are dynamic. A variety of factors influence the ever-changing nature of members’ interactions in groups and teams. References 1. Beebe, S. A. , Beebe, S. J. , & Ivy, D. K. (2013). Communication: Principles for a lifetime (5thed. ).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Poetry appreciation “Fire the sun”

Basically the poem is divided into three parts. Each part identifies a specific task assigned to a woman. It is a very simple and straightforward poem, which does not beat around the bush. It is very easy to understand and candidly outlines the average woman's life, carrying out her daily duties. However in doing this, we get the impression that she seems to be giving up a part of herself – her senses become somewhat distorted.We are told of three certain tasks carried out by these women – doing the dishes, cleaning the floor and minding the children. The first stanza is dedicated to a woman doing the dishes. Every line is repeated as it says, â€Å"the woman doing the dishes has trouble hearing†. This could be due to the noise and clamour created by the dishes. The second stanza is dedicated to a woman cleaning the floor. This woman however cannot hear at all. A phrase is used: â€Å"Let us have a moment of silence For the woman who cleans the floor† which is usually used at funeral or memorial services when mourning the deceased. It is also ironic because this woman never has a moment of silence for herself in her busy life. This, together with the image of the woman always being on the floor, therefore low down gives us the impression that this woman is regarded as dead because like a dead person, she cannot hear at all. The third stanza is dedicated to a woman at home with the children. We are told that this woman is not seen at night as she is looking after the children. She also cannot speak up for herself or listen to what others think she might have said if she was there. In this poem, the women have been very stereotyped underlining their daily, tedious chores. An overwhelming impression of the lack of power of the woman is felt reading through the poem- she has the responsibility of a wife, a worker and mother and it is not in her strength to alter anything in the life that has been set for her. However there appears to be a deeper underlying meaning to the rather simple outlook of the poem. We get the impression that the woman always seems to be taken advantage of and has to put other things before her. She is like a puppet controlled and almost programmed to carry out menial tasks day in and day out. The first stanza emphasises this through the repetition stressing the monotony and routineness of the chores. It is also repetitive because we are told the woman has trouble hearing and things have to be repeated, as she doesn't understand the first time. The second woman cannot hear at all as she is continuously cleaning the floor and then the third woman is unable to speak for herself, as she never gets to go out at night and meet people. Great emphasis is put upon their sense of hearing – again the women are stereotyped in the way that the poet is saying, being a woman there is such intense concentration on a task that they become oblivious to other things around the m. It also ties in with the fact that they cannot also hear the voices of the husband which may be complaining; subsequently if women can't hear then they can't speak their minds. Open to interpretation could be whether the poem is about three different women each doing a specific chore, or about one woman who does all these jobs. FORM: There is no distinct form to this poem – there are three separate stanzas; in the first, every line is repeated twice. However the last two stanzas are written with no distinguishable rhyming scheme or any definite pattern. This poem is in the free verse form using simple language. This relates to the women in the poem who are also very simple. TONE: Keeping in mind that this poem, which differentiates chores for women and insinuates about their fixed way of life, is actually written by a woman. It could be looked at as the poet taking a general impression of most women or maybe even including her experiences in it, yet, if she was any of these women, she wouldn't have been able to write the poem. It might even be written in the persona of a man therefore bringing in the male factor; the opinion of a man on women. Nevertheless the tone, no matter how depressing, seems to be quite realistic, calm and assured. It is in a way pitying and sympathetic yet also submissive in that the poet seems to accept it as a fact of life that cannot be changed. The tone is aggressive in a gentle way, rather than attacking, for it states the facts as they stand using uncomplicated language, which is extremely effective as it hits one straight in the heart. IMAGERY: Although the language is very simple, certain images are evoked in our minds as we read the poem. The first image is created by the repetition in the first stanza. The image is of a woman at a sink, almost like a robot, washing one dish after another and drying them one by one. The monotony strikes us as being almost inhumane as it seems never-ending. Another image is created by the woman on ‘the floor' who ‘cannot hear at all' and is given a moment of silence. There is a strong image of death in this stanza as it seems that the woman is closer to her grave on the floor than to the people around her. It is as though she is dead to the world and therefore has to be mourned. As she is so out of reach, it could explain why she cannot hear at all. It also creates the image if not of being close to her grave then being low in society i.e. her body position reflecting her status in society. The third image is created by the 'empty space' mentioned in the last stanza that one has to stare into to imagine the woman who is in fact at home with the children. She has to be given an empty space, which creates a visual picture in which one cannot distinguish the separation between her and her kids as they are so much a part of her – the empty space is just as empty as she is. As ‘you never see her at night' we get the impression that she has no time for herself – the housework and children take up all her time. Although she may actually be able to hear, she is compelled not to because the image is created that the racket of the children overpowers her. Also, as she doesn't get to go out much, she cannot speak to defend herself or listen to other conversations. She might not be able to speak because she is uneducated and does not have the courage to defend herself. This night setting is realistic because at night men tend to go out more than women, especiall y at that time. As there are many aural images of hearing etc., aural devices have been used which play as sound effects i.e. assonance in the second stanza: ‘Another poem for a woman' This soft ‘o' sound can be tied to the image of death and graves which is noticeable in this stanza. Alliteration is also used in the third stanza: ‘One more poem for the woman at home' Again this is a fairly calm ‘m' sound which ties in with the whole tone of the poem. Deliberate use of these devices by the poet can be doubted for it is not a very elaborate poem and there are no other devices such as similes or metaphors- it is very basic. INTENTION I think the author's intention was to make people notice these jobs that women do, for although they are so obvious, no one acknowledges their importance. The woman are taken too much for granted for carrying out these chores and are not appreciated for what they do. It seems to contain greatly the male view and reflects the stereotype male attitude of a woman, emphasising where he sees her the most. she is always busy somewhere-washing, cleaning, looking after the kids etc, and she never really has time for him. Even at night when it is the time for the husband and wife to be together, she has more important things to tend to. This is a simple, heartrending poem which, due to its simplicity, allows deep thought.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Psycology of Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Psycology of Diversity - Essay Example Usually their primary language is Spanish. Their daily life reflects Spanish heritage. The group ‘Hispanic’ was included in US census in the year 1970. A report in 2005 shows that hispanics form 14% and african american forms 13% in total US population. (USA Today, 2008) Ethnicity is very important to determine the psychological expressions of any individual or population. Ethnicity of a population can be discussed under many headings. But to understand the psychology of any race most important approaches the following traits are to be observed: (a) distinct similar behavior or attitude of individuals belonging to any particular race, (b) their feeling for their ethnicity or their feeling for their ethnic identity and (c) their adaptations through life experiences regarding their lesser power, social status, social discrimination etc. But one should keep it in mind that these approaches can be studied independently but to understand the population psychology all these approaches must be considered together. An African influence is vividly seen among the African-American families. Some of the very basic aspects of their culture can be traced back to that of the African people. Among them the worth mentioning ones are oral expression, perception of time, vitality of emotion and dependence on the inner members of a family. According to social anthropologist Jones, the African-American families show five elements in their lifestyle, and they are: improvisation, oral expression, spirituality, time and rhythm. These five elements are strong enough to define the whole black culture throughout the world, be it in the United States of America or in the dark continent of Africa itself. However, this kind of lifestyle has some factors in common with the Hispanic lifestyle as conformity, urge of sacrifice and interdependence are also the parts of the latter mentioned race. They have been noticed to stand by each other in times of personal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Term papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Term papers - Essay Example Musical acculturation is mostly enabled by colonial or political domination along with the social unrest that follows. Musical acculturation has to do with that hybridization influence brought about by alien elements of music. This paper seeks to show the hybridizing influence of European musical elements on African American music. Despite the fact that West African music differed from one region to the other, all cultures within this region shared sufficient features that enabled them to constitute a heritage that was identifiable as African when they were trans-located to the New World (Jackson 25). From the accounts given by early traders and explorers, it has been deduced that music was a lifestyle of these West Africans. It was used to enhance rituals, worship, provide recreation, and as a means of communication. These cultures shared a characteristic feature in integrating music with dramatic elements and dance. When they were enslaved and stripped of their community and families, their rich stories, customs, traditions, and music remained with them and were passed the new generation. On arrival in the new world, they were designated as heathens and the clergymen of the time were compelled to convert the Africans to Christianity. This religious conversion acted as the first instance in which the Africans were exposed to European music with the singing of hymns and psalms (Jackson 25). They often gathered, on Sundays, to make music, sing, and dance. The first all the black worship churches were established in the 18th century with Reverend Allen Richard realizing the importance that music held for the people, publishing a hymnal for use by the Africans. These black churches provided the people with opportunities earlier denied to them, for instance the experimentation with religious music from set pieces to formal anthems and lowly spirituals

Issue of civil liability under 42 U.S.C. section 1983 Essay

Issue of civil liability under 42 U.S.C. section 1983 - Essay Example Besides civil liability, this study also intends to address qualified immunity, a decree whose role encompasses shielding all state’s agents like police while executing respective mandates. The fact that it was impractical for all aggrieved parties to present individual claims touching on incurred damages directly to the constitution, it is therefore a requirement that such people result to own lawsuits only achievable through section 1983 (Huth & Cavico, n.d). Besides availing tangible legal remedies more so in terms of monetary damages, this section is essential in predicting the attorney’s fee recovery (Huth & Cavico, n.d). In addition, the affected has the opportunity of lodging complaints with the local citizen complaint board. This is especially when respective state’s agents (police) fail in executing required measures as agreed upon with the aggrieved. In this section, its core intention encompasses granting the aggrieved ample platform meant to sue anybody who in anyway prompted the affected not enjoying certain entitled constitutional privileges (Jail House Lawyer’s handbook, 2010). Therefore, it acts, as a shield whose intention encompasses addressing cases that a certain state agent has acted inappropriately to the extent; the affected did not enjoy his or her privileges. Hence, granting a person an opportunity to express oneself besides enjoying other privileges availed by enactments that allow him or her to embrace his or her creed of choice and other aspects. This is without any instances of seizure, unjustifiable castigations that eventually yield to internment. Studies contend absolute immunity encompasses shunning any incidences of state’s agents being liable for unjustifiable criminal prosecutions and lawsuits. However, this immunity is only active and recognizable when the state’s staff acts accordingly and within limits of one’s duties. Hence, implying if he or she goes off the agreed and set

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Identify the role of State Legislators Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identify the role of State Legislators - Essay Example Under current law if a vehicle or vessel is driven recklessly and causes a serious bodily injury it is a fourth degree crime. Serious bodily injury creates a large or substantial risk of death or causes disfigurement, protracted loss or impairment of any bodily member or organ ( That action causing physical pain, illness or impairment is ‘bodily injury.’ Bill A676 would upgrade this crime of assault to a crime of the third degree which in turn would qualify it for further and more severe prosecution. This would bring about an increase from imprisonment of up to 18 month and a possible fine of up to 10,000 to a three to five year term of imprisonment with a possible fine of up to 15,000. As a Police Officer it is possible to be influential in the passing of bills and creation of new laws by acting as advocates and supporting lobbyist who represent the criminal justice sector and its promotion. Criminal justice agencies are extremely important in getting bills through the Legislature with the use of media contacts and public appeal. This involves getting the general public on board and in agreement with criminal justice agencies and proposed changes or recommendations in laws. Frequently and unfortunately it takes a tragic act to attract attention to areas of the law which need improvement and a better balance. Criminal justice agencies should definitely have a say and opinion in which laws are passed and how and what resources are located to which departments, in order of importance and interest of the public. Agencies usually are on the front line when dealing with the issues that Legislators are merely discussing and reviewing. They are not such as the Officer who constantly sees faulty policy or complete lack of policy in some cases and are best able to recognize the difference and improvements possible through the use of the agencies

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ideas about disseration topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ideas about disseration topic - Assignment Example There are limited research papers written on this particular topic. Impact of land acquisition helps to reveal trend in present economy and its association with livelihood. The common impacts are decreased social welfare, unsuccessful employment and lack of social network. Compensation is greatly affected when farmland is acquired due to various reasons (Zhao, 2013). The main development zones in Suzhou are Xiangcheng district, Industrial Park of Suzhou, Wuzhong and Suzhou New District. Rational for the study is - economic development in China is an alarming issue but impact of land acquisition is not widely observed in any research study. This study shall also encompass other related factors. Firstly policies or institutions which govern land acquisition mechanism in China would be incorporated in this particular study. Household livelihood situation shall also be a part of the research study. Economic development of Suzhou is sustained through land acquisition. This aspect would be upheld in the study. It shall not only focus on impact of farmland acquisition but also methods used by people to cope with changes occurring in livelihood. There would be livelihood conditions analyzed through utilizing quantitative and qualitative mechanisms. The data collection methods to be used in the study shall also highlight farmer’s opinions in terms of relationship between farmland acquisition and state of livelihood. The major aim of the research study is to analyze impact of land acquisition on farmer’s livelihood. Natural resources and environment are closely knitted with human activities. Recent economic development has greatly altered man-land relationship. Urbanization can be treated as a procedure to resolve agricultural problems. Urban development requires maximum utilization of land resources in order to facilitate urban construction. This study shall also aim at understanding the concept of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critically examine the measures in the detailed case study Essay

Critically examine the measures in the detailed case study - Essay Example Also, as a way of increasing cost savings while not sacrificing the morale, loyalty and motivation of employees, they are given various opportunities for a more flexible work schedules and arrangements to suit their career growth and development needs. Under the heading of â€Å"Workforce Planning†, important measures given emphasis on by the proposed measures involve the management of planned retirements in relation to the expected high retirement rates within the next 10 or more years. However, grants for allowing temporary retention of employees aged 64 are still allowable under certain circumstances in order for them to enter into a state of transition prior to fully retiring from the workforce. In relation to this measure, while there are no prohibitions to the retention or the rehiring of employees beyond their retirement ages, due to the need for a career succession in hopes of adding contributors of new ideas or innovations to the organisation as well as to allow the career growth of the remaining 65% of the workforce there will be a prioritisation of opening positions in the upper rung of the corporate ladder, with exceptions to certain positions related to advisory councils or organisational consultants. It is als o proposed that aside from vertical realignment of positions there will also be possible redeployment in line with the need to change how the whole organisation functions upon the retirement of 35% of the workforce. Thus instead of hiring new employees to fill in the jobs, there will be a greater focus on retraining employees to be more flexible in their jobs to meet the needs of the organisation, thereby decreasing the odds of redundancy within the next few years. To prevent any violation of contracts or other prior agreements it is proposed that negotiations and consultations are done between trade unions and the council, with assistance from human resources. In line with the proposal for an organisation change

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Our Greatest American President Essay Example for Free

Our Greatest American President Essay Franklin Delano Roosevelt became our thirty-second President in one of the most critical times in the history of the United States since the Civil War. Born to wealth, FDR held a sense of social importance at an early age. This attribute would soon become an important part of his political career. He was also faced with the despair of a devastating disease. Roosevelt was forced to view himself in a different perspective, however he took his illness and turned it into a way of helping others that were stricken with the same misfortune. This showed tremendous integrity in Roosevelt not only as a man but as a great President. During his tenure as Vice President, Roosevelt contracted the disease poliomyelitis and became completely paralyzed. This was one of the greatest obstacles that he had to face in his life, but he quickly overcame this hurdle and worked diligently to establish a foundation known as the March of Dimes to help other polio victims. Eventually, an effective vaccination was introduced. Roosevelt had married a distant cousin, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, who was able to provide much support in both his personal and political lives. The United States at the time was going through a critical period and the American family was important to everyone. Having a supportive first lady Roosevelt quickly gained the admiration of many Americans. The Great Depression had been present for almost three years and FDR had his work cut out for him. He had used the Great Depression as the back drop of his Presidential campaign and when he took office, he quickly set out to reform the economy and â€Å"undertook immediate actions to initiate his New Deal. †(fdrlibrary. marist. edu) There were some critics, but the majority of Americans welcomed Roosevelt’s policies. He set up a special session of congress that lasted 100 days and was geared towards the passage of legislation that created the Agriculture Adjustment Administration, to support farm prices, and the Civilian Conversation Corps, to employ young men. The country was faced with an unemployment rate of 30%, but FDR’s efforts proved his compassion for the American people and his empathy despite the fact of his privileged birth. Roosevelt had gained extreme popularity with the American people and easily attained the Presidency for a second term. Roosevelt was faced with offense from the Supreme Court stating that some of his New Deal policies went against the principles of the United States Constitution. Roosevelt attempted to add new justices to the Supreme Court that would be more tolerant of his policies. â€Å"However, many even in his own party opposed him in this attempt to pack the court, and the Congress defeated it. †(notablebiographies. com/Ro-Sc/Roosevelt-Franklin-D. html) This developed a bitter rapport between FDR and Congress. But, despite this scarred relationship, FDR ran for a third term. â€Å"The presidential campaign of 1940 was the climax of Roosevelt’s plea that Americans set themselves against the Nazi threat. †(notablebiographies. com/Ro-Sc/Roosevelt-Franklin-D. html) Roosevelt was certain that Adolf Hitler was a dangerous man who intended to conquer all of Europe. Americans remembered their disappointment after World War I, and there were many of them who leaned toward supporting the Germans rather than the group of countries known as the Allies. The Allied force consisted of: Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. Roosevelt had to promise the American people that young Americans would not be sent overseas in battle. Roosevelt won the third election but very narrowly. Not long into the third presidential term the United States was attacked. â€Å"On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii, causing serious losses to American forces. †(notablebiographies. com/Ro-Sc/Roosevelt-Franklin-D. html) Four days later Germany and Italy declared war against the United States. Although Roosevelt had set out to engage the United States in the war, he now had no choice. The mood of the American people also quickly changed. Congress immediately â€Å"enacted a draft for military service and the â€Å"lend-lease† bill in March 1941 to enable the nation to furnish aid to nations at war with Germany and Italy. †(fdrlibrary. marist. edu) The factories in the United States began producing as they had before the Great Depression. Roosevelt worked diligently with his military advisors exercising his powers as Commander-in-Chief. On January 1, 1942, the â€Å"Grand Alliance† was created through a declaration of the United Nations. â€Å"The United States and its allies invaded North Africa in November 1942 and Sicily and Italy in 1943. The D-Day landings on the Normandy beaches in France, June 6, 1944, were followed by the allied invasion of Germany six months later. †(americanhistory. about. com/od/franklinroosevelt/p/pfdroosevelt. htm) In his third term as president, the Great Depression would come to an end, but FDR wanted to ensure that this devastation would not happen again. In 1934, he proposed a national social security system that, he hoped, would prevent another such depression. Citizens would never be without at least minimum incomes again, because the social security system (still used today) used money paid by employees and employers to provide support to those who were unemployed, retired, and disabled. † (notablebiographies. com/Ro-Sc/Roosevelt-Franklin-D. html) Although Roosevelt had not actually fought in the war, he fought tremendously for it. By early 1944 Roosevelt had literally worn himself out. He won a fourth re-election easily, but because of his failing health, while vacationing in Warm Springs, Georgia, on April 12, 1945, he suffered a massive stroke and died. The United States, during Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s presidency, faced many similar situations that our county is once again facing. Because of FDR’s compassion, strength, character, and perseverance, we were able to overcome those obstacles and become a stronger nation. I can only hope that our current leadership will use the past as a guide to steer their actions and, once again, lead our country to more prosperous times. Work Cited www. fdrlibrary. marist. edu www. americanhistory. about. com/od/franklinroosevelt/p/pfdroosevelt. htm www. notablebiographies. com/Ro-Sc/Roosevelt-Franklin-D. html http://www. whitehouse. gov/about/presidents/franklindroosevelt/ http://www. fdr. net/

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Laws Of Judaism And Christianity On Marriage Religion Essay

Laws Of Judaism And Christianity On Marriage Religion Essay It is well know that Christianity is originated from Judaism so Christianity  and  Judaism  share a great portion of historical root. The sacred text of Judaism is also included in the sacred text of Christianity. It is therefore that a great similarity on religious teaching and rules exist between those two great religions. However, lots of teaching and religious rules from Judaism were denied or expended by Jesus and following Christian apostles later on, leading to a significant gap between those two religions. The teaching or rules on marriage is one of these issues. This essay takes insight into teaching and rules on marriage both from Christianity and Judaism. A comparison and contrast are carried out and any reason behind the difference and similarities would be pointed out in this essay as well. The story narrated in the first chapter of Genesis which is included both in sacred text of Christianity and Judaism is possibly the best blueprint to illustrate the center concept on marriage for both Christianity and Judaism. The essay is expended from this story as well. The story is described like this :God had a rest on the seventh day after working for six days to create the cosmos. At the climax of creation, God was not satisfied with his creation so he continued to create a man named Adam from clay. Adam was placed in a Garden called Eden as a cultivator and keeper. However not long after that God did not want to Adam lived in the garden alone and he said that It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. God took out one bone from Adams body and closed up the place with fresh thus he created a woman named Eva. God brought the woman to Adam. Once Adam saw the woman he was very joyful and said that this is bone of my bones and flesh of my fles h. Following that Genesis wrote that That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. However the lovely story did not have a good ending. Not long after that the couple were living in happily in the garden, Eva was tempted by a serpent to eat the fruit of knowledge tree with Adam, which was forbidden by God. Both of them were expelled from the joyful garden by God later. The story here is closely studied as a teaching or an example of marriage both in Christianity and Judaism. Eva was created because God dont want Adam to be alone. The creation of Eva is a kind of a symbol of the creation of marriage in the interpretation of the story. Furthermore in bible marriage is also used to describe the relationship between the God and Israel by Judaism while in Christianity it is symbolize the relationship between Christ and Church. It is therefore that marriage is regarded as a divine institution instead of   a human institution devised in the human history. This essay illustrates the how does this story influence the concept of Christian and Judaism on marriage in several perspectives, like , celibacy, monogamy or polygamy, sex, women role in marriage, divorce and remarriage, Intermarriage. Celibacy Since it is said that God thought that It is not good for the man to be alone, celibacy is not recommended both in the two religions. God would like man and woman live together as a physical and spiritual mate with each other. In  Judaism, marriage and raising children are understood as strongly holy obligations. Traditionally, it was impossible for a unmarried male to be in leadership position  in the Jewish society. Historically there was only one prophet Jeremiah, who did not marry in Bible, thats because that he lived in prescribed periods of sexual abstinence in relation with rituals, sacrifices and the prosecution of  holy wars. However there were rather a few exceptional examples, according to the historian  Josephus, some members of the Essence  sect, rejected marriage, and the medieval Talmudic scholar Ben Azzai remained celibate. Compared to Judaism, Christianity though highly approve the necessity of marriage, do not give as much weightiness as Judaism do. That is because that Christian believe that people do not marry each other in the coming kingdom. In addition ,the examples of that some Jesus followers who gave up their family in order to proclaim the coming kingdom are used as demonstrations for the validity of celibacy in purpose of completely devotion to preach the coming kingdom. In addition it was believed by Paul that a devoted life of celibacy is helpful for a deeper commitment to spirituality. However, since adultery is strong opposed and marriage is regarded as a effective way to prevent adultery, marriage was still recommended in some degree in the New Testament. The attitude toward Celibacy vary a lot among different church groups. Currently general speaking , Protestant  is the church group which most strongly support marriage as a correct and normal way of Christian living while Catholic s till now command clerical celibacy. Monogamy or Polygamy Since God created only one woman for Adam, pointing to monogamy, most of Jewish rabbis claimed that monogamy is ideal for Jews today though polygamy is permitted as well.   It is also because that the relationship between a man and his wife is also used to illustrate the love between God and Israel by Hebrew prophets, for this metaphor, monogamy is ideal. Actually monogamy has became the Jewish married custom since the return from the Babylonian exile. In addition, Monogamy is assumed in the description of restoration of human race in the flood period of time. While monogamy is the dominance, polygamy was also practiced in Jewish community in history like King David who had two wives and Solomon who had 700 wives. However the two examples of polygamy have been normally regarded as negative examples by most of Jews. The polygamy case of Solomon led to his idolatry and finally destruction of the whole Israel. There are still some polygamy examples today, such as Mediterranean Jews li ving in Yemen, rabbis permitting Jews to marry up to four wives.  In modern Israel, where a wife cannot bear children or is mentally ill, the rabbis give a husband the right to marry a second woman without divorcing his first wife. Generally speaking, like Judaism, Christianity has the same understanding on the Eden story in terms of monogamy. It is common believe that monogamy is further strengthen in many places in the sacred text of Christianity new testament by Jesus and Paul. Polygamy is regarded as a kind of idolatry in most of churches. To be noticed, the practice of serial monogamy is also rejected as immoral by traditional teaching in Christianity because it contradicts the biblical purpose of marriage which is to develop a lifelong one flesh relationship. While monogamy has been accepted by most of churches groups, there has been a few churches like some groups of Mormon practice polygamy in several periods of time in the history and even today. The reason why Mormon practice polygamy is that they believe Jesus told his followers to multiply and replenish the Earth. Sex in marriage Sex is not described in the story thats because sex desire is regarded as a evil impulse after human was expelled from the Eden garden in Judaism. However it is not said that Jews disregard sexual desire. Sexual desire is believed as a human instinct like hunger and thirst. In Judaism sex is not only for physical pleasure but also has a remarkable holy significance and is practiced as a way to reinforce the loving relationship between a husband and a wife. The requirement of marriage before sex ensures that sense of commitment and responsibility. It is therefore that sex is only permissible inside the context of a  marriage. In Jewish marriage, Sex is regarded as a right of a wife not a husband. A husband has a duty to have sex with his wife if she has sexual desire but cannot compel to do so if she doesnt want to. A wife though have a right to have sex, cannot use sex as a weapon to punish her spousal. Compared to Judaism, Christianity views sex not as important as Judaism does. Paul of Tarsus thought sex was totally unnecessary thing and Jesus coming kingdom has no interest in that. Furthermore, sexual desire is regarded as a physical enjoyment as a result of humans fall so it should be restrained in order to achieve Gods desire. Any sexual activities unless in purpose of giving offspring is regarded as a negative thing coming from humans fallen flesh. For some periods in history, Christian couples only have sex for the purpose of giving offspring and the couples lived apart in the other time. However since adultery is strong opposed by Jesus and Paul in the New Testament. In order to prevent having sex with unmarried people, Paul supported sex within marriage as a mean to resist the sexual temptation. Due to the different interpretation of verse, Sex within marriage is practiced quite differently by Christian from different church groups. Generally speaking, Christian Churches ho ld a conservative attitude towards Sex and sex is not discussed publicly in the churches, mostly is personal experience. Women role in marriage In the story, Adam was created from earth and the Eve was created from Adam. In addition, the woman was created to be a helper and companion for the man. This story reflects woman marital status in Jewish marriage. A wife is often regarded not only as a helper who is given to her husband by God to fulfill her husbands wishes but also a soul mate in the spiritual level. It is therefore that a wife is highly valued in marriage in Judaism. A husband was taught by Judaism law to love his wife as much as love himself. A husband is also encouraged to discuss worldly matter which might raise in his life. Traditionally a wife in Jewish family has many rights, for example sex is regarded as a right of woman not man. Jewish woman also can have her own asset in her family. In addition, without consent of his wife, a husband cannot divorce his wife. However there are some obligations of woman are listed in Judaism law. A married woman should be modest and is required not to leave home too freque ntly. The descriptions of the bible suggest that a wife was expected to perform certain household tasks: spinning, sewing, weaving, manufacture of clothing, fetching of water, baking of bread, and  animal husbandry. The martial role of women is quite controversial in Christianity. While some believe that women should live under men leadership, others advocate the equality between men and women in marriage. For those holding the first opinion, they claim that woman is created from man and acted as an assistant and governed by man originally in the Eden garden. They think that the leader status of men in marriage is further affirmed by New Testament. Paul said that For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church (Ephesians 5:23). It is therefore that the authority of husband in marriage is unshakable. However egalitarian argue that equity between men and women were mentioned in the New Testament, like there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:27). This verse implies that Christian marriage, both husband and wife enjoy equal status and privilege before God because of their position in Christ. Furthermore like Judaism, New Testamen t asked husbands to love their wives as loving themselves in many times, implying the equality between two genders. The first opinion is mostly adopted by traditional man dominant societies like Asia and Africa. The second opinion is widely accepted by western culture societies. Divorce One flesh from the story indicates that God wanted the couples lived with each other permanently. Couples who have been married for many years start to think, act, and feel as one; they become one in mind, heart and spirit. Divorce thus leaves not two persons, but two fractions of one. It is therefore that divorce is a tragedy both for Christianity and Judaism. However Judaism do approve divorce, in some conditions even encourage so. Historically divorce is only the right  of men under some circumstances like:  if the  marriage  was childless after ten years; if the husband refused to have sex with his wife; if the husband beat his wife; or if the husband contracted a loathsome disease. The prerogative was changed by rabbinical law round the year 1000 CE that a husband could not divorce his wife without her consent. Nowadays a husband and wife who are seeking divorce should be interviewed in a rabbinical law in order to guarantee that the divorce is an agreement between the two parties. Financial and offspring matters would be discussed in the court as well, normally the vulnerability of woman would be considered. If the divorce is granted, a  get  (divorce decree) is drawn up in hand-lettered Hebrew. Remarriage is regarded as the same with the first marriage as long as the divorced person obtain a get in Rabbinical  Court whe n he got divorce. Traditional Christian  views on  marriage disapproves divorce. Divorce is even regarded as a kind of adultery. This can be affirmed by Matthew 5:32. Jesus teaches about divorce:But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. The permanence of marriage is emphasized by Jesus here. However divorce is practiced among Christian nowadays and the attitudes towards divorce vary among different church groups. The Catholic Church prohibits divorce. The Catholic doctrine claimed that a couples even divorce civilly but they are still one in front of God. The Eastern Orthodox Church permits divorce and remarriage in church in certain circumstances, though its rules are generally more restrictive that the civil divorce rules of most countries. Most  Protestant  churches though do not prohibit divorce through church doctrine, discourage divorce except as a last solution. Interfaith marriage Intermarriage is disfavor by Torah and Jewish rabbis out of fear of idolatry and Jewish assimilation historically. In Bible it records that Jews were forbidden to marry Canaanites  in the fear of children might be brought up to follow Canaanites   religion. Historically marriage between Jews and non-Jews were extremely rare until recent 19 century under the influence of Jewish enlightenments. Nowadays this issue of intermarriage is quite controversial among Jewish society. While growing number of intermarriage are approved by reformists as long as the intermarried couples are agree to their raise their children as Jews, Orthodox rabbis still believe that intermarriage is kind of rejection of Judaism leading to be cut off from Jewish community. Generally speaking, due to recent reformation and liberty movement, intermarriage is treated much more tolerably than before in Jewish community. There was a survey shows that an intermarriage rate of 52 percent among American Jews. Compared with Judaism, Christianity has much more tolerable attitude towards interfaith marriage. However worry over that religious conflict in intermarriage is still exist in Christianity. Furthermore the sacramental essence of marriage is believed to be retained better by Christian couples in some churches. It is therefore that some churches disapprove intermarriage like Orthodox and Catholics churches. In Protestant   churches inter faith marriage is not totally forbidden but Christians are encourage to marry people who has the same faith. As a result, most Protestant denominations will allow interfaith marriage. In conclusion Eden story is seen as a model of marriage, which guides and supports the view of believers from the religions on Marriage. While celibacy is disfavored by Judaism, it is regarded as a gift from God but not strongly recommended in Christianity. Although monogamy has been dominant marriage custom in the two religions, polygamy has been practiced minority even today. Compared to Christianity, Judaism has more opened attitude toward sex within marriage. Women had higher status in Judaism marriage than Christianity marriage historically, but nowadays equality between two parties is accepted commonly. Divorce is seen as a tragedy for the two religions. While divorce and remarry is allowable literally in Judaism, it is forbidden in many Christian churches out fear of adultery. Christianity has more tolerable attitude on interfaith marriage than Judaism. Marriage is very important to both of the religions. Although the two religions share a great portion of similarity, the difference of views on marriage is still significant. To be noticed, different groups holds different views on marriage within the same religion.